how to hard reset Intermec CN4

Intermec CN4 hard reset

Resetting the CN4
You rarely need to reset the computer. If the computer does not resume after pressing the Power button, or if the computer or an
application locks up, you may need to reset the CN4. The CN4 uses the configuration currently saved in flash memory during the boot
process. There are three ways to reset the CN4:
• Warm booting the CN4
• Cold booting the CN4
• Clean booting the CN4
Warm Booting the CN4
You may need to perform a warm boot to correct conditions where an application stops responding to the system.
To warm boot the computer
• Press and hold the Power button for 10 seconds.
• Right-click on the CN4 via the SmartSystems console and select
Intermec Power Tools > Warm Boot Device.
The computer systematically shuts down, restarts, and goes through the initialization process.
Cold Booting the CN4
In some cases where the computer completely stops responding, you may need to perform a cold boot. Because cold booting may result in
data loss, use this method only if all other recovery methods have failed.
Note: Cold booting the CN4 does not guarantee that cached disk data will be saved, so transactional data may be lost during the reset. All
other data, such as CN4 configuration and network settings, is preserved.
To cold boot your CN4
1 Press the Power button to suspend the CN4.
2 Remove the battery pack from the CN4.
3 Use the stylus to press the Reset button on the back of the CN4.
Intermec CN4 hard reset
Clean Booting the CN4
A clean boot erases the memory in the mobile computer, including all applications and data files found in the ObjectStore,
and loads only the default files and programs required by the CN4 operating system.
During a clean boot, the CN4 first looks for the SSPB files on an installed miniSD card. If no card is found, the CN4 loads the
SSPB files in the Flash File Store. Files found on a miniSD card during a clean boot are copied into the Flash File Store and
overwrite the existing SSPB files.
If the CN4 seems to be locked up, try warm booting and then cold booting the computer. If neither method works, use a clean boot to
get the CN4 up and running for further troubleshooting.
The clean boot process is as follows:
• initial boot > SSPB installation > reboot > DCE installation > SRs copied to CabFiles folder > _sstransferagent.xml run > reboot >
CabFiles folder contents run > reboot, if required.
To clean boot the computer
1 Press the Power button to suspend the CN4.
2 Remove the battery pack from the back of the CN4.
3 Use the stylus to press the Reset button on the back of the CN4.
4 Insert the battery pack into the CN4, and immediately press and hold the Power button and both buttons on the left side.
5 Continue to hold the Power button and both buttons on the left side until a Warning message appears on the display.
6 Release the Power button and both buttons on the left side, read the message, and press either button on the right side to continue.
7 Wait for the CN4 to load files from its ROM.
Note: You can also clean boot the CN4 using the SmartSystems console. To clean boot the CN4 using the SmartSystems console,
right-click the CN4 and select Intermec Power Tools > Clean Boot Device.